University Park Accessible Baths

Afraid of slips and falls?

Mobility issues?

Or just looking for a truly comfortable place to sit and enjoy the bubbles?

We’re here to make bathing safe and comfortable!

Do you have trouble walking up stairs?

  • With a tub with a low walk-in threshold, there’s no step up or down. Comfortable bathing will be one easy step away, with no worries about tripping or slipping. Walk-in tubs have the grab bars you need to steady yourself as you sit and rise. You’ll regain your independence at bath time.

Do you use a wheelchair?

  • A “transfer tub” built to ADA specifications will allow you to easily slide from your chair directly onlo the tub seat without assistance.

Do you have achy limbs and joints or poor circulation?

  • Many accessible bathtubs have massaging hydrotherapy jets and air jets to soothe limbs. The jets also stimulate circulation, which is beneficial for those living with diabetes.

Is aging in place important to you?

  • Realistically, a majority of us will face the issues walk-in tubs address as we age, and the likelihood that a household of two will need tub accommodations is even higher. Many authorities put installation of an accessible tub at the top of the list of home modifications necessary to prepare to age in place. And we all like a nice soak and some massaging jets! If you want to remain in comfort of your home as you age, why not enjoy the comfort of spa features now and be prepared for the future?

Do you have an aging parent struggling to age in place?

  • Don’t wait to be asked if your parent’s sense of independence is being reduced by bath-time struggles. Independence is a great gift, and you could give it with a new tub.

Are style and luxury important to you?

  • Although a simple walk-in tub with be all a lot of bathers will want and need, many options are available when you add accessible bathing to your home:
    • Fashionable options for faucets and hardware. They don’t have to look “institutional”.
    • Spa options like water and air jets.
    • Heated seats and backrests.
    • Hand-held sprayers and overhead showers.
    • Aromatherapy and chromotherapy.
    • Touchscreen controls and Bluetooth speakers.

Do you want to increase the value of your home?

  • As our population ages and more of us become down-sizers and empty-nesters, more homebuyers will find accessibility necessary or at least desirable for the future.

I’m waiting to get you started!

Let’s talk tubs!.

You might be wondering…

What are the types of walk-in tubs?

The National Council on Aging regularly evaluates walk-in tubs and has four categories. More….

Who manufactures walk-in tubs?

Titans of the plumbing industry and small specialist manufacturers. More…

How expensive is a walk-in tub?

There are two big variables: the choice of model and the difficulty of installation. More…

Can you retrofit my small bathroom?

Very likely! Compact tubs are available for tight spaces.

I have a handyman. Could he install it?

it’s a complex job and mistakes are costly. You need a licensed, experienced bathroom remodeling contractor. So why not hire the best…. us!

When were walk-in tubs invented?

It’s actually not a frequently asked question, but if history floats your boat… More..

Still have questions?

I love to talk tubs!